Want radical relief
from addiction?
I can help you to get to the ROOT of the suffering that is
driving you BONKERS so you can live in greater FREEDOM.
You know, it’s really not about addiction.
For me, it’s just about the goddamn suffering!
Anxiety, approval seeking, fear, uncertainty, self-doubt, shame, and on and on.
And just endlessly trying to think and strategize my way out of it.
I was tired of it.
Maybe you’re tired of it?
I found there is a better way.
Hi, I’m Ben.
After my own delightful adventures with addiction I spent five years meditating like a loon, going on 20+ retreats, reading books by dead Indian dudes and generally attempting to nibble away like a hungry ferret at the cosmic biscuit of suffering. 🍪
And the closest thing to an answer I found was this:
But not just randomly.
Like a *super-skillful ninja* 💪
The body is where the DRIVERS of addiction live:
Trauma, shame, lack, anxiety and fear…
When you want relief, it’s ALWAYS from some feeling or other in the body.
The body never lies.
If you find yourself moving towards relief of some kind there’s something in the body that is looking to be soothed.
No judgement. Let it be. Just notice.
So if we want to deal with the drivers, we gotta deal with the body.
That’s where the radical relief
lies, my friends and fellow
cosmic-biscuit-nibblers 🍪
“And how do I get into the body, exactly…?”
I use Somatic Inquiry.
This is a set of experiential, body-based techniques that help you to uncover and unravel the beliefs and feelings held in the body that are driving your suffering (as well as any behaviour to cope with that pain).
I offer Guided Somatic Inquiry Sessions to help you skilfully and compassionately uncover and meet the patterns of thinking and feeling that lie at the root of addictive behaviour.

“Being facilitated by Ben is like going on an unpredictable adventure with a good friend alongside you. His style of inquiry is direct, powerful, creative and even fun. All hail the Drunken Buddha!”
Dan McLintock,
Co-Developer, Trainer and Facilitator of Somatic Inquiry,
The Kiloby Center for Recovery
How Somatic Inquiry
Can Help You
Healing: go beyond managing and coping with addiction and uncover the drivers
Root cause-focused: discover the root causes of your suffering
Live in freedom: simply live life with less shame, deficiency and lack
Independence: learn the skills needed to unravel your suffering by yourself
What Somatic
Inquiry IS NOT
Therapy: we are not trying to ‘figure out’ anything, we work with our direct experience
A quick fix: the work is not an overnight fix and requires commitment

I wouldn't trade what this work has
given me for anything in the world.
In my experience, the freedom that lies on the other side of an agitated body-mind that is constantly seeking relief is worth the effort and courage required to explore it many times over.
Who are you?
If you’ve stopped drinking/using but are finding the addiction octopus just popping up elsewhere…
If you’re tired of trying to THINK your way
out of suffering (how’s that working out, eh?)…
If your mind is like a washing machine
on an aggressive spin cycle…
If you just find yourself having to constantly
stay busy to avoid even a moment of being in the present…
Or just like the sound of healing as opposed to coping…
….maybe let’s have a chill chat? 🙂
Want to learn
more first?
I wouldn’t trade what Somatic Inquiry has given me for anything in the world. I’ve put together an introduction to Somatic Inquiry to help you figure out whether I’m barking mad or legit.