How to Heal from Addiction: A Talk with Trauma Therapist Roland Bal

I sat down for a chat with complex PTSD and trauma specialist Roland Bal about many different aspects of addiction, how it relates to trauma and how to heal.

He’s a seasoned practitioner who since the age of 22 has been using a variety of somatic approaches to help people heal their suffering, specifically complex PTSD and trauma.

You can check out his epic work here:

We covered the following juicy topics:

  • Trauma and addiction: how addiction is a symptom of trauma and how these emotional imprints from the past drive addiction

  • Deepening recovery: the difference between managing addiction and addressing the deeper drivers of addiction

  • The role of managing: how managing addiction has a role in starting to contain the addiction before starting to work on the deeper emotional issues

  • What purpose does addiction serve: how addiction is a mode of dissociation that has helped you to survive and to cope

  • Focus more on the driver than the behaviour: when you start to address and process the underlying emotions, addiction starts to lessen

  • The two sides of addiction recovery: the difference between how ‘not to die’ and how to ‘live fully’

  • National traits as trauma: how the emotional traits of different cultures and nationalities represent trauma responses fears

  • Anger and addiction: the fear of dealing with anger and how processing anger can help with moving away from addiction

  • The addiction mindset: the core principle of addiction and how we look for the next shot of dopamine everywhere

  • The ubiquity of addiction: how everything can become an addiction and how society promotes addiction through entertainment

  • Shame and addiction: the importance of dealing with the shame surrounding addiction


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