The FREE Nervous System

115 Super-Practical Tools, Techniques, Skills
And Practices For A Healthier Nervous System

Want a more regulated nervous system? Are you struggling with:

  • Overwhelm

  • Stuck in triggered states

  • Disconnected from body and emotions

  • Flooded by too much emotion

  • Chronic stress/anxiety

  • Depression

Then this FREE toolkit will be able to help you to move towards a healthy, regulated nervous system.

Hi, I’m Ben. I’m a somatic therapist that helps people to get in touch with their body, heal their nervous system and release emotional wounds.


This FREE toolkit contains detailed instructions and resources for 115 practical skills, exercises, tools and techniques selected to:

  • Calm anxious and fearful states 😨

  • Engage depressed states 🔥

  • Connect to your mind, body and spirit 🌳

  • Release emotional wounds 💨

  • Uncover the root of painful emotions 🔎

  • Gain greater emotional self-understanding 👋

  • Live in greater freedom and authenticity 🙏

  • Develop self-trust, self-acceptance and self-love ❤️


So What’s In The Toolkit? Hmm? 

The 115 tools are carefully categorised across the 8 chapters below.

Each chapter contains boatloads of different approaches: working with breath, body, mind, touch, voice, people, meditation, inquiry, sound, nature, spirit, writing, resourcing, visualisation, and much more!

1. How to Calm

Downregulate your nervous system when you are overwhelmed or agitated

2. How to Stimulate

Upregulate your nervous system when you are feeling meh

3. How to Ground

Stay present and connected to your experience

4. How to Release

Let go of painful beliefs
and emotions

5. How to Clarify

Discover unconscious beliefs and repressed emotions

6. How to Resource

Create a container of safety and support

7. How to Heal

Hold emotional wounds in such a way that they can heal

8. Combining Techniques

How to combine tools for maximum effectiveness


Enter your email to get FREE access to the toolkit and worksheets


What do you get with the toolkit?

You don’t just get a long list of tools.

The tools are carefully categorised to be easily navigable and each one comes with a full explanation of:

  • How it works: what is the tool for and how does it work?

  • How to do it: step-by-step instructions for the technique

  • Helpful resources: links to deeper explanations, guided tutorials and further reading for those who want to learn more


You also get a full set of supporting documents to
help you make the most out of the toolkit.


The Toolkit: 115 carefully categorised techniques with full instructions and supporting resources

Worksheets: guidance for building your own toolkit

Trigger Inventory: identify key emotional triggers

Cheat Sheet: get a succinct summary list of all the tools